Our Company
IQinAbox's mission is to optimize pig production by providing innovative, data-driven solutions that make the production process more efficient, profitable, and transparent.
We are committed to bridging the gap between cutting-edge research and practical solutions, enabling a more efficient, sustainable, and profitable pig production industry.
IQinAbox strives to become a leading provider of intelligent management systems in pig production, enabling producers worldwide to maximize their operational success and sustainability.
Our vision is to lead the pig production industry into a new era of innovation, where data and scientific advancements drive smarter decisions, better animal welfare, and greater efficiency.
By fostering collaborations with top research institutions, our vision is to set a new standard for digital pig management, unlocking potential across the entire value chain.
Thomas Nejsum Madsen
Founder of IQinAbox
Ph.D. in the field of Herd Management
Nils Toft
Consultant in IQinAbox
Former Professor at DTU Veterinary Institute
IQinAbox launched by Thomas and Nils
First Danish Crown contract
Porcus buys 10%
Second Danish Crown contract​​
Launch of Danish Crown Data​​
Water sensor trials
Developing PIGS365
Preparing Health Module
Preparing Monitoring Module
Preparing INSIGHTs Module
Launch of PIGS365
Launch of Health Module
​Big scale test of INSIGHTs​​
Launch of Monitoring module